On the September 12th broadcast of MBC’s ‘Radio Star‘, Siwon remarked, “Kyuhyun honestly almost died from the 자동차 accident. The doctor told 우리에게 there was no 희망. It doesn't really 듯 real to me when I hear 사람들에 대해 passing on, but this 정말 hit 집 with me. ”
“It was such a relief when he was discharged from the hospital,” Siwon continued. “But even after he came home, he wasn’t completely healthy. I cried once when I saw him changing. I’m so glad he’s healthier now.”
The Super Junior members then reminisced of the accident and explained what had happened. Leeteukbegan, “After 우리의 live radio recording, we got in the car 떠날, but after teetering a 몇 번 on the Olympic Bridge, the van eventually 홱 집어 던지. Myself and 사람들은 in the back saw what was happening. I 움켜 onto my seat, but the car revolved 너무 빨리 and intensely that I hit 내 얼굴을 against창, and I 기절 as I 을 열어 a shriek .”
“Later I opened my eyes, and our manager who was driving blamed himself completely,” Leeteuk continued. “He was on his knees on the road, screaming that he was going to commit suicide. I asked everyone if they were okay. Eunhyuk and Shindong said they were okay, but Kyuhyun was nowhere to be found.”
Eunhyuk continued saying, “Kyuhyun was about 20~30 미터 거리에. His 옷 were all torn, and he was unconscious. We were so shocked that we 려고 wake him up, but he 계속 speaking nonsense. There were 사람들은 passing by, so we 그들에게 물었다 to call an ambulance .”
Thinking back to his accident, Kyuhyun said, “I lost my memory 잠시. I woke up, and I was 에 누워 the road. I felt like 의 절반 아랫 부분 me 누락되었습니다. I 생각, 'this 방법은 I 죽는,' and I prayed, 용서를 바라는. Eunhyuk ran 은 끝났 and prayed with me 눈물이 in his eyes. I thought I was on my knees, but I wasn’t. ”
“I woke again, and I was at the hospital,” Kyuhyun said. “I asked how long I had been there, and they told me it had been four days. I was unable to participate in any activities for 4~5 months.”
An emotional Eunhyuk then added, “When Kyuhyun returned to the dorms, I embraced him with tears in my eyes. I realized how precious our members really are.”